Actionstep Sponsors Second 2k Tiger Virtual Legal Network Event

Actionstep Sponsors Second 2k Tiger Virtual Legal Network Event
Actionstep and 2k Tiger have continued the series of Virtual Legal Network Events with Actionstep sponsoring the latest event focusing on “the New Virtual World”. 2k Tiger is an events organisation who hold regular corporate, sporting and networking events around the country across various sectors. Due to the Covid-19 lockdown, this is the second in the fully virtual event series. Alongside, team activities and talks, there were networking opportunities in Zoom breakout rooms and a live cooking demonstration from Italian Chef Enzo Oliveri (Hint – Add Saffron to your Risotto rice!)
The challenge presented to teams on this session was:
Unthinkable: Augusta Law is a Medium sized law firm that want to find innovative new ways of attracting new clients. Each team is to brainstorm 3-5 campaign ideas for business development and present them to the group.
After some discussion in each of the team’s breakout rooms, the captain from each team presented their ideas, some of which were:
- In these uncertain times, provide messaging around consistency & forging relationships by giving practical help and having conversations one-on-one with key clients
- Taking control of your client data and leveraging it through targeted value-added marketing campaigns and by determining who your best clients are and why they love our services
- Start developing referral networks, social media presence, thought-leadership articles and webinars
- Go out to the local community by engaging with community groups and sports club
- Offering free legal consultations via zoom meetings
- Connect with Barristers chambers and creating mutually beneficial partnerships
Digitisation In Law Firms
The expert speaker, Shourik Chatterjee of EY’s Global Development Legal Team, explained how digitisation has changed the hierarchy in law firms. In the new landscape, clients are better informed because they can research online. Government and other institutions have made it easier to access information and specialist knowledge is often available free. So include strategy and innovation amongst your core values – they are key to survival and success.
Client Expectations
Shourik also spoke about Legal Client’s expectations and how they had changed over the last decade. With the rise of Legal Comparison sights, time, money and satisfaction rates are more important to the person on the street than long standing relationships. In order to stand out in today’s market, not only do you have to have a strong relationship with your clients, but firms have to deliver excellent value in both time and quality.
Word-of-mouth Recommendations
James Shorey, Actionstep’s VP of the United Kingdom, invited Carbon Law’s CEO Michael Burne who spoke about his firm and shared his recent reading list, including Blue Ocean Strategy and Jonah Berger’s Contagious. In his book, Berger outlines how it is that up to 50% of all purchasing decisions are made based on word-of-mouth recommendation. This principle applies in professional services and many other product and service areas. The message here is – be different, be bold and use feedback wisely.
A third event in the virtual legal networking series is being planned for June.
If you are a law firm in the UK and would like to join us at the next Legal Network, please contact James Shorey at or 2k Tiger at