First AML

One platform, every solution. For visionary AML teams only.

First AML Source is an all-in-one AML platform. It powers thousands of compliance experts around the globe to reduce the time and cost burden of complex and international entity KYC. Our enterprise-wide, long term approach to the CDD data lifecycle addresses time and cost challenges while improving the customer experience and minimising reputational and security risks.

Key Features:

  • Risk Assessments - No more spreadsheets. Customised risk assessments seamlessly integrated into your compliance programme. Configure risk assessments that address all required risk areas like geography, client, transaction type, and more. Establish a flexible framework aligned to your compliance policies and weigh criteria based on your risk appetite.
  • KYB Unwrap - Lightning-fast due diligence with automated entity analysis. Rapidly unravel complex entities and visualise ownership structures with a click. Effortlessly retrieve and map verified shareholder data.
  • Case management and intuitive workflows - Make fast and robust decisions with Source's centralisation of relevant and timely information about every case, entity and individual, all at your fingertips. Adapt Source by First AML to your organisation's unique AML processes and requirements, through the customisation and configuration of rules, alerts, risk assessments, customer communications, user access and more. Create, update, assign, track and document KYC cases in Source's Manifest ensuring accountability and compliance without impacting revenue generating activities.
  • International coverage - instantly connect to over 33 countries for KYB (across over 300 global registries), and over 200+ countries for individual verification.
  • Audit ready - Source by First AML, automatically builds an audit trail as you go. Risk assessments, time stamps, exceptions, decision trails, audit logs and documents all available, all the time, all in one place.

First AML 2-Minute Demo
Price: From $299/£199 Platform fee per month + units starting at $13/£10 Author: First AMLContact UsBook a demo
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